Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is defined as an activity designed to determine the potential or resulting impact of a particular project, using procedures and means to prevent or reduce these negative impacts, or work to increase the positive results of the project, in line with applicable environmental standards.
Environmental impact assessment of projects is a study to evaluate the environmental impact of projects, whether construction or operational. It enables the environment and the protection of natural resources by introducing the environmental variable into the decision-making process regarding projects expected to have environmental importance. Since projects may also pose environmental risks during their life cycle, it is important to evaluate the potential impacts of existing projects.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) provides a comprehensive range of site and environmental impact assessments, including Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments and environmental reviews. We follow these steps according to international best practices.
Baseline study, impact assessment and mitigation to collect all important information about the current situation of the environment to provide a baseline against which change resulting from development can be measured. This base case is compared with a detailed assessment of environmental and social impacts.
Scoping to identify potential impacts relevant to the assessment by identifying alternative solutions that avoid, mitigate, or offset negative impacts on the environment.
Screening to determine projects or developments that require a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study and exclude those that only require a partial impact assessment
Mitigation of the negative impacts of the planned project on the environment and people
Impact management to create a series of plans and protocols aimed at managing specific mitigation measures and potential risks that may occur during the project lifecycle, such as technology failures and natural disasters.
Reporting on the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, including the Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Monitoring, compliance, and environmental review to ensure that unexpected impacts or failed mitigation measures are identified and addressed in a timely manner.
Providing the necessary advice after implementation, along with training the staff, if needed